Art lending makes it possible to acquire high-quality visual art at a low threshold. Art lending progresses in monthly periods, and a loan agreement is made for the time being. The customer can return the work to the Art Loan Office at any time, in which case the loan expires immediately. By keeping the work, the customer undertakes to pay a monthly rent and to follow the rules of the Art Loan Office for the entire loan period until the work is returned or redeemed. The customer undertakes to redeem the unframed graphics and drawings after the first month of the loan, when the payment terms are the same as at the Art Loan Office in general.

Art Loan Office distributes works by member artists of the Helsinki Artists’ Association. The works can also be purchased from Taidelainaamo as a one-time purchase, and the means of payment are cash and the most common bank and credit cards. The work can also be purchased remotely, in which case the customer selects the work from the website, requests an invoice from the loan office and pays for the work and its shipping cost. The work will then be delivered to the customer using a method of transport approved by him and properly packaged.

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